- To cause to collapse inward violently. 使内爆使在内部猛烈地崩塌
- To collapse inward violently. 内爆在内部猛烈地崩塌
- To demolish(a building) by causing to collapse inward. 内爆拆除用造成内爆的方法拆除(建筑物)
- A violent collapse inward, as of a highly evacuated glass vessel. 向内破裂强烈内爆,如真空玻璃的内爆
- The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。
- The wind caused the tent to collapse. 风把帐篷吹塌了。
- She looked ready to collapse at any minute. 她看样子随时都可能垮下来。
- bash sth in/down; cause sth to collapse inwards by striking it violently 猛击某物使之向内塌陷
- Vermiculite tends to collapse in a short time. 蛭石在短期内就会分解。
- It looks as if it is go to collapse at any moment. 这房子看来像什么时候都有倒塌可能的样子。
- The weight of the water from the burst pipe caused the ceiling to collapse. 水管破裂流出很多水把天花板压塌了。
- The earthquake caused many buildings to collapse. 地震使许多建筑物倾倒。
- The bridge is liable to collapse at any moment. 那座桥随时可能坍塌下来。
- The overnight rainfall caused banks to collapse. 一夜大雨使河岸都坍塌了。
- The obsolete regime is about to collapse. 那过时的政权即将崩溃。
- The wrangling may even cause the deal to collapse. 这种争吵也许甚至会导致协议流产。
- Finally, the door collapsed inward with a mighty crash. 最后,大门带着巨大轰隆声向里边倒下。
- However, it is unlikely to collapse. 不过,美元不太可能崩盘。
- To collapse or fall into or as if into a faint. 倾覆或倒下,状如晕倒。
- To cause to collapse by piercing. 通过刺穿导致倒塌